In an interview with CulturesWithVivendi, Alex Beaupain speaks about how he became a singer songwriter and the decisive role director Chrisophe  Honoré played , giving all the details about his career path and the different facets of his profession. He also talks about his albums « Après moi le déluge »  and « B.O » (Capitol /Universal Music), movies score composition – including “Love songs” for which he received a César for Best Score in 2008 – and writing songs for others – Calogero and Julien Clerc among others).

For him music is always the starting point of the writing process. “It’s the lyrics and music together that create the song. The lyrics may not necessarily be very interesting to read alone, and the music may not be interesting to listen to alone, but the alchemy of both together makes it work”, he says.

>> Watch the interview of Singer-songwriter Alex Beaupain